Scott Smith: RAO’s first runner
Taking in the beauty of the Heysen Trail, Scott Smith couldn’t stop smiling as he approached the 42km aid station of the Ultra Marathon 60km course. It was here, coach Riley Cocks was tasked with changing Scott’s socks, and sending him on his way to negotiate the last 18km of his journey through Kuitpo Forest, to the Rocky Creek finish line!
With the goal of running the Chicago Marathon in 2020, Scott Smith sought the advice and guidance of Riley Cocks at RunAsOne Coaching to help him prepare. As a high performance Physiotherapist for a host of local, state, and national sporting teams and programs, Scott was well aware of the role a strong support network plays for achieving success. What he found at RunAsOne coaching was the support he was after, but also the added bonus of an abundance of new friendships, and the opportunity to spend quality time with like minded people.
Unfortunately, race organisers of the 2020 version of the Chicago Marathon were forced to postpone the event due to Covid-19. However, this wasn’t going to stop Scott from continuing to build some consistency with his training, and challenge what he once perceived as his limitations. Under the guidance of RunAsOne Coaching he had acquired a new level of confidence in himself as an athlete. Some brief deliberation with coach Riley lead to a new goal – the Heysen 60km Ultra Marathon! Excited, Scott set to work on a progressive build towards what was sure to be a physical and mental test like none he had experienced before.
From day one, Scott stuck to the plan set out by his coaches. He credits Riley, and co-coach Izzi Batt Doyle for keeping him accountable to the commitment he was required to offer every training session and lead in event on the way to his Ultra Marathon dream. Citing the longer, specific runs as the highlight of his program, Scott is also forced to admit that the less enticing shorter, and faster repeats over 1000m – 1600m were made enjoyable by the company he was able to keep, and the support he received from training partners and coaches on these mornings.
Crossing the finish line at the Heysen 60km Ultra Marathon was one of the better feelings Scott has been fortunate enough to experience. He couldn’t have asked for a better day, and his faith in his training enabled him to run confidently all day, and enjoy all that the Heysen Trail, and this great event had to offer. Furthermore, Scott is able to reflect fondly on the emotional highlight of being able to stand beside his coaches and support crew, and watch training partner Atsushi cross the line, before joining him for a well deserved cold beer to celebrate!
Scott Smith isn’t done yet. There are some even bigger goals on the way and he can’t wait to tackle them with RunAsOne Coaching. As a Physiotherapist and runner, Scott has one main piece of advice for any aspiring runners out there with goals they want to achieve: Find yourself a good coach and do as they tell you!
Congratulations Scott. Izzi, Riley and the rest of RunAsOne look forward to helping you tackle the many more challenges ahead!
Scott’s Stats
Time as a RunAsOne runner
25 weeks (1st member)
Highest Mileage Week
Lowest Mileage Week
Average Weekly Mileage
Personal Bests Achieved
5km, 10km, Half Marathon, 60km
Races Completed in 2020
RAO 5km TT x 3, RAO 10km TT, Adelaide Half Marathon, Conquer the Summit 20km, Trail Running SA Kuipto Forest 25km, Heysen 105 60km